It's been SO long since I've posted! I've written a dozen blog entries in my mind, but you're not likely to be reading those any time soon. I've just been too busy to blog. Besides filling my days with caring for my wonderful husband and kids, I've had some side projects as well.
- caregiver to a dear sister in Christ with MS
- designated paper-editor for my seminary student husband
- hosting my Mom in our home for a week! (We hadn't seen her in 8 months!)
- a small group prayer leader for a women's Bible study
- hand making Scripture verse packs to encourage others with
- vegetable container gardener
- volunteer lunch monitor for a table full of very energetic 4th grade boys!
My life is pretty full right now, and I'm just so blessed. I wouldn't have each day any other way. A verse that I hope characterizes my life right now is Psalm 37:3
Trust in the LORD and do good;Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.